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We're ready to hit the ground running to win Prahran this by-election! Give generously to boost our campaign.

Sitting between federal Melbourne and Macnamara, this electorate is ripe for the Greens to retain. Our strong party room of 8 will continue fighting for renter’s rights, protecting public housing, caring for our communities and pushing back against Labor’s disastrous attempts to open new coal and gas in Victoria.

But we have to move fast - the by-election could be anytime before mid February. 

We know just how much money the major parties and corporations will throw at the campaign. We need you to chip in just a little bit to help us hit the ground running.

Here’s how you can help:

  • $500 helps us buy a day of high-visibility outdoor advertising across Prahran
  • $200 helps us print more placards so voters see our candidate absolutely everywhere
  • $100 helps us put together a great launch event in the coming months
  • $50 helps us buy new campaign t shirts
  • $20 helps us buy new clipboards for our huge doorknocking teams to chat to voters
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