Registration is closed for this event

We’re looking for volunteers to help out at the Greens table at Flagstaff Gardens for a 420 picnic - an event to celebrate all things cannabis! 

You will be helping hand out free cupcakes to attendees, giving out Greens stickers and flyers, getting petition signatures and talking about how we need to legalise cannabis.  

Please note: It's our understanding that police will be taking a zero tolerance approach to cannabis, so have a look at the "know your rights" post at this link

We expect this to be a peaceful picnic, however to ensure the safety of attendees and yourself we will provide updates on any changes to these negotiations.

If you are bringing your prescribed medicinal cannabis, please ensure it’s in the container provided by your dispenser, bring a copy of your script or a letter from your doctor describing the medicinal cannabis you are taking, and have your ID with you.

20th April 2024 2:00 PM   through   5:30 PM
Flagstaff Gardens
309-311 William St West Melbourne VIC

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