Come meet me in Inverloch!

Come meet me in Inverloch! Join me at the Inverloch Corner Store, 2 Cuttriss Street, on Saturday, August 24th, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Pull up a chair and we can catch up over some pastries or a nice warming cuppa. There’s no agenda; I just want to meet local supporters and hear your stories. See you at the Inverloch Corner Store on August 24th!

Some of the local issues at the top of my mind at the moment include stopping seismic blasting and banning offshore drilling in our seas, stopping Duttons Nuclear fantasies, having great renewable jobs in our regions and, of course, tackling the housing and cost of living crisis. These are all crucial campaigns for the Greens and hold particular relevance for us in regional Victoria. I welcome all of your thoughts and energies for moving these campaigns toward victory!

Event Details

Date & Time

Aug 24th, 2024 02:00 PM through to
Aug 24th, 2024 04:00 PM


Inverloch Corner Store
2 Cuttriss Street


Register Now!