Get involved in our campaign to win Gellibrand! we need your help in data entry from our doorknocks? If you’re handy on a computer and have a keen attention to detail, this is the activity for you.
The major parties might have their dirty coal and gas donors, but we have something much stronger - people power. We know that when we come together, there is nothing we can’t achieve.
We only need 2 in 10 voters to change their vote, and we can elect another Greens MP to federal parliament.
We can make big corporations pay their fair share of tax . We can bring dental and mental health care into Medicare. We can stop supermarket price gouging. And we can tackle the climate crisis by ending coal and gas, now. But we can’t do it alone.
Are you in?
We’re running data entry parties & volunteer recruitment calling parties , sign up now to get involved! We’ll get you all set up in our systems on the night, and run you through how to make a great recruitment call. All you need is a laptop and a phone.
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A note on accessibility: We welcome volunteers of all abilities, diversity of genders, sexual identities, racial backgrounds, cultures, languages and experiences to join and get involved. Please contact us if you require any reasonable adjustments to feel comfortable or participate in this event fully.
We acknowledge that these events take place on stolen lands. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.
Date & Time
Feb 23rd, 2025 02:00 PM through toFeb 23rd, 2025 05:00 PM