With an election imminent, it's time to introduce our amazing candidate Tara Burnett to the voters of Cooper. As a teacher, unionist and renter, Tara is ready to represent the progressive values of our community.
There are 90,000 households in Cooper. We want to give them all a flyer with some information about Tara and her policy priorities.
Labor hold Cooper by less than 8%. We can win Cooper and send Tara to Canberra where she will push to freeze and cap rents and mortgages, end supermarket price gouging and tackle the climate crisis. If elected Tara will be the first trans MP in any parliament in this country.
Unlike the major parties with their billionaire donor mates, we don't have the money to pay for Aussie Post to deliver our leaflets.
That's where you come in! #PeoplePower
RSVP here and we'll arrange to get you a map in a convenient location, a bundle of leaflets, and tips and info for letterboxing success.
(It's also a fun and easy way to get your steps in, explore your community and help turn Cooper Green)
Team Cooper HQ